Fraud Alert

Dear user,

We would like to alert you to possible fraudulent activities involving the J2L company. We are aware that malicious individuals may be impersonating representatives or misusing our company name in order to deceive people and obtain sensitive personal information or commit crimes.

We at J2L take the security of our users and customers very seriously, and it is of utmost importance that you are aware of these possible scams. To avoid any harm or unauthorized disclosure of your data, we would like to provide some important information and guidelines:

J2L Identification:

J2L is a legitimate and recognized company in the field of specialized recruitment and selection. However, it is important to watch out for any communication that looks suspicious or that asks for personal, financial, or confidential information without a legitimate reason.

Official Communication:

We communicate officially through our website and our registered business phone. Always verify the authenticity of any e-mail, message, or call claiming to be from J2L, especially if it asks for confidential information or payments. Be wary of unsolicited messages or messages that look suspicious.

Sensitive personal information:

J2L will never request sensitive personal information such as credit card numbers, bank account passwords, or identification document numbers by e-mail, text message, or phone unless you have initiated contact with us directly and are aware of the legitimate reason for such a request.

Checking links and attachments:

Be careful when clicking on links or downloading attachments in suspicious e-mails or messages. Make sure the links are legitimate and always use a reliable security solution to protect yourself against possible cyber threats such as phishing or malware.

Questions and contacts:

If you are in doubt about any communication claiming to be from J2L or to report any suspicious activity, we recommend that you contact us directly via our official website or by using our registered business phone number as (11) 3078-2134. Our representatives will be happy to help answer your questions and provide appropriate advice.

Please remember that the security of your personal data is of the utmost importance to us. As a responsible company, we continually work to protect your information and ensure that our processes are aligned with security and compliance best practices.

Thank you for your attention and cooperation in maintaining the security of your personal information.

We are at your disposal for any further clarification and will remain committed to providing you with a safe experience on our platform.


J2L Specialized Recruitment Team